
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Things That look "I'm Unproffessional"

Are you jobseekers?
Are you still failing in Interview??
Lets, read my article,,, I hope can give you more advantage,,, ^_^
"Little Things that not Important, that makes you failed in your mission"
there are 5 things that scream about Unprofesional. Unprofesional in this spot about little things can be big things if we aren't know and understand inside play.
they are like Sweety Email Username, silly message on your answering machine, less proof reading,

1. Sweety Email Username
Hmm,, This things is good for our friend who know, but for manager or employers it a risk. They will probably think that this person not serious on sending resume , and will she do same thing on teh job if i hiring her?.
Yeah,,, let use simple name or our name from our parents. i think if name from our parents we use as email names, it will bring more benefits.
2. Silly Messages in Automatic Answer Email
Ussualy a businessman online use automatic answer Email. yeah, sometimes they use silly message for leave message because they not in there. but, for finding Job, if you use email same with your businness Online, don't activated automatic answer Email. Because ussualyy the employer not need your reply, but need your Resume.
3. Underestimate Proof Reading when Sending Resume
Little Fault can be Big Problem for some peoples. You might think that Everybody makes mistakes, even employers. So if there’s a mistake or two on my resume, no big deal. The employer probably won’t even notice, much less care., But The employer will probably Thinks that you are underestimate people. they can think Everybody makes mistakes, even employers. But making more than one minor mistake on a resume or in a cover letter is unacceptable, and often, even one is too many. How do I know this person will proofread the letters he writes to shareholders? What if he someday leaves a zero or two off one of our financial statements? I better put this resume aside and look for someone who’s more accurate and thorough.
4. Make Interview be simple without preparing
we as jobseekers might probably if we are  good at thinking on ours feet, Besides, they can’t expect ours to know everything about the company. hmm,,, this is very very PD (confident). its very good,, but the Employers will probably think that you are not really care to their company, and they will judge you just play with your resume.. I want someone who cares. Oh well, maybe the next person will be better.
5. Go out from Interview Without Say "Thank You"
The power of Thank you will give you more effect in gettin job. yeah,, if you think that Thank You Note is not important after walk in interview, The Employers probably think you is a person has no follow-up skills, not to mention common courtesy. He could have at least dropped me a quick email note, like this other person did. I think I’ll invite this candidate for the second round of interviews instead. The other guy must not really want the position.
Yeah, still you think that "thank You" is not Important??

Some things that i can share with you,, and i hope, this paper can give you knowledge and can help you for finding job easily. Little Things that not Important, that makes you failed in your mission.

This is my original article, with idea from Allhealthcare
if you want to copy, please give back link to me. 

Special thanks for Allhealthcare (idea for this articles)

3inch Macbook Air, Review

Hmm,, who wants macbook 3inc? my friend from llopsight give review about it, lets read

With the release of the latest 13-inch MacBook, Apple has once again reduced the number of factors users have to consider when purchasing a laptop computer.
[ad#Google Adsense 300x250 in story]There was a time when you went shopping for a laptop that you would have to consider all the things you wanted to do with the machine and eliminate models based on those criteria. Things like having enough power to record music or process a mix are a thing of the past.
All of Apple’s laptops are powerful enough to do all of those things these days. The only real consideration left is the screen size you want.
I chose the 13-inch MacBook Air. I have, and love, the last generation 11-inch model, but the screen was a bit small for my taste. I thought the 13-inch might do everything it did and give me the screen real estate that I wanted. I was right.
I’ve been using the 13-inch Air since last Friday, doing all of my day-to-day work on it. The machine was comfortable as soon as I turned it on. I didn’t force myself to use it for a week to see how it worked, I wanted to keep using it.
My main laptop when at home is a 17-inch MacBook Pro, so you may think that it was a big change when I started using the 13-inch. In fact, it wasn’t. The size of the keyboard and ample screen resolution made the switch pretty easy.
What the smaller screen did do was make me use gestures more on the 13-inch. Scrolling through Web sites and even navigating left or right are now done using gestures. I didn’t see the full benefit of gestures until now, but I don’t know what I’d do without them now.
The battery life is amazing too. I sat outside working most of the day on Friday on a single charge. That work consists of writing and posting stories on the Web, working with images, and other small tasks, but that’s what most of us do on a regular basis. I’m impressed enough with the battery, that I don’t really think about unplugging it and working somewhere other than my office.
Of course, the MacBook comes with Thunderbolt, a new I/O technology that’s available in many Apple computers now. Thunderbolt can handle everything from displays to high-speed peripheral devices on a single connection. I don’t have any devices yet, but as a musician, I can’t wait to try some out.
Speaking of music. One of the final tests I did with the 13-inch MacBook was with music recording. I figured if anything was going to trip up the Air, it would be recording my guitar into it.
Latency for a musician is enough to kill a session. In other words, if you strum your guitar and the computer can’t process the audio fast enough to output in real-time, you get a delay in hearing what you played. It’s like watching a movie and the audio track isn’t synced with the video.
I used the Apogee Duet 2 as my audio interface, plugged it into the MacBook Air, plugged in my guitar and launched GarageBand. With absolutely no configuration, I was recording my guitar in GarageBand with zero (or near zero) latency.
I added some drum tracks to the project, switched amps in the middle of the song, added effects and did pretty much everything else I could think of to make the MacBook Air flinch under the pressure.
It handled everything I could throw at it and never missed a beat. Now that is what I want out of a laptop.
With OS X Lion pre-installed, the MacBook Air gives users Apple’s latest hardware, including some of the industries fastest technologies and the most modern operating system on the market today.
The 13-inch MacBook Air is the computer that all other laptops will be measured against. It has power, portability, and a sleek design that is only matched by other MacBooks.
After Read it? Are you bought it to your home??
depend your pocket... XD

Apple Again Winning Customer Satisfaction Survey

Do You know Apple?
Yeah, Apple is The Most Big Brand in Electronic, PC, and Technologies. Apple winning Customer Satisfaction again!.
Apple has topped the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) in the personal computer category for an eighth consecutive year, achieving a score of 87 points. This is Apple’s highest score ever on the index and nine points ahead of second place HP. The ACSI includes tablets in the PC category, and the organization says in its press release, “Apple’s winning combination of innovation and product diversification — including spinning off technologies into entirely new directions — has kept the company consistently at the leading edge.”

Apple’s Winning Streak Unstoppable; Whirlpool Tops Appliance Makers
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (September 20, 2011)—Customer satisfaction across three durable goods industries stalls in 2011, with the majority of companies staying almost exactly where they were in 2010, according to a report released today by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). The report covers customer satisfaction with personal computers, major appliances, and electronics (televisions and BD/DVD players).
Apple Sets a High Bar
One year after climbing 4% to a record-high score of 78 on ACSI’s 0 to 100-point scale, customer satisfaction with personal computers flattens out. The industry itself is in a state of rapid change, with technology advances accelerating amid shifts in consumer preference. As the demand for traditional desktop PCs weakens, the tablet computer market is skyrocketing—led by Apple’s iPad. Apple’s record of customer satisfaction preeminence in the personal computer industry continues unabated in 2011, as the company adds another point to its already exceptional score. At 87 (+1%), Apple outdistances its nearest competitor by 9 points.
“In the eight years that Apple has led the PC industry in customer satisfaction, its stock price has increased by 2,300%,” remarks Claes Fornell, founder of the ACSI and author of The Satisfied Customer: Winners and Losers in the Battle for Buyer Preference. “Apple’s winning combination of innovation and product diversification—including spinning off technologies into entirely new directions—has kept the company consistently at the leading edge.”

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mengubah Permission Folder di Linux Via Terminal

Permission selalu jadi masalah bagi kita yang awam di Unix / Linux. nah, hal ini pun terjadi pada saya... XD (saya emang cupu masalah unix... :p). dan saya mencoba mencari sebuah artikel yang mudah dan dapat dimengerti bagi orang awam seperti saya,,,, saya dapatkan dari

Saya tulis kembali disini dengan bahasa saya sendiri,,, karena membagi ilmu bagi saya adalah hal yang diharuskan, namun dengan bahasa saya sendiri, supaya tidak dianggap plagiat ato lain lain.. ^_^

pada percobaan ini, saya menggunakan Folder 'multipageproject'

Perhatikan Gambar disamping :
multipageproject dalam keadaan Root untuk semua aksesnya (owner dan  group), nah bagaimana saya melakukan setting agar menjadi user yang bisa mengaksesnya?

Untuk pertama,buka Terminal Command ,, Bisa diakses dari Application > Accessories > Terminal
karena kita langsung ke pokok permasalahan, belajar masalah permission bisa di googling dulu,, atau nanti saya tulis disini juga.. :D
untuk permaslaahan ini digunakan fungsi chmod. fungsi ini dapat digunakan untuk menambahkan,  mengurangi atau melakukan modifikasi permission dari direktori ataupun file. Gunakan tanda + untuk melakukan penambahan, - untuk melakukan penghapusan permission. ada juga fungsi chown dan chgrp. semua akan dibahas disini
nah beberapa kode untuk permission bisa disimak dibawah ini :

uMenambah atau menghilangkan hak read, write, dan execute dari user
gMenambah atau menghilangkan hak read, write, dan execute dari group
oMenambah atau menghilangkan hak read, write, dan execute dari others
aMenambah atau menghilangkan hak read, write, dan execute dari semua user
rMenghilangkan atau menambah read permission
wMenghilangkan atau menambah write permission
xMenghilangkan atau menambah execute permission 
nah, untuk contoh mari kita berikan perintah 'chmod u-r multipageproject' (tanpa petik)
mari kita liat bedanya .
 sebelum dilakukan perintah

 setelah dilakukan perintah

nah, ada perubahan permission bukan? yaitu  drwxr berubah menjadi d-wxr ini menandakan bahwa folder ini dihilangkan read permission yang artinya folder tidak bisa dibuka oleh user owner.
nah, apabila ingin megembalikan kembali, maka berikan perintah 'chmod u+r multipageproject'

Selanjutnya, apabila kita ingin merubah kondisi directory dapat write atapun dimodifikasi oleh user biasa, kita bisa menggunakan fungsi chown. fungsi ini merubah owner dari folder
kita bisa liat gambar diatas  (yang pertama lhoo... ). dalam kondisi ini multipageproject owner adalah root, nah untuk merubahnya ke user biasa kita gunakan 'chown *nama user* directory/files
chown user1 multipageproject
perlu di ingat, kondisi harus dalam kondisi root alias pemegang kendali :D. bisa diketikkan sudo nanti akan diminta password dari user root, apabila sudah, kondisi rooting ada difolder mana, pengaksesan file harus dimount terlebih dahulu supaya mudah untuk perubahan permission. dalam kasus ini multipageproject berada dalam folder user1, sehingga mount rooting saya berada dalam user1. apabila berada di folder lain, bisa dimount terlebih dahulu menggunakan perintah cd *destination folder*. misalkan ada di dalam folder Downloads, bisa dimount atau langsung dengan asumsi penulisan folder adalah /home/user1/multipageproject

Untuk merubah akses grup, bisa menggunakan chgrp *nama user* folder/file
chgrp user1 multipageproject

Oke,, sekian dlu ya postingnya,,, lain waktu akan dibahas tentang permissionnya,, salam blogger from protol ^_^

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Belajar Keil Compiler - Part 1

Selamat Malam kawan kawan Blog semua...
Untuk mengawali tulisan ini, saya mengucap Alhamdulillah, karena beberapa hari kemarin telah selesai dengan sidang akhir saya...  hehe...
Kebetulan sidang saya menggunakan Microkontroler,, jadi, pengen bahas lebih jauh tentang Microcontroller dan seluruh isinya. (*kayak apa gitu... :p)
nah,, kebetulan saya sudah menjadi member dari , teman2 bisa juga bergabung dengan mereka,,, banyak banget ilmu yang bisa diambil dari sana.... Semoga kita bisa mengambil ilmu bermanfaat dari sana.. :D

Nah, Belajar keil Compiler,,, susah ga? menurut saya belajar pada dasarnya adalah diawali dengan membaca,,, betul tidak? apakah membaca itu sulit?
pasti jawabannya .. "MUDAH" bener kan? hehheh...
yap,,, membaca itu mudah, tapi memahami dan mempraktekannya itu sulit... jadi, apabila kita mw merubah paradigma (ciee,, paradigma... hahahha :p)

Tentu kita sudah tak asing lagi dengan yang namanya Compiler C seperti AVR Studio 4, Codevision, winavr, dll. nah, Keil Compiler juga merupakan compiler C yang juga memiliki library yang cukup lengkap. Untuk sidang kemarin sih, library AT89S yang di Codevision sudah tidak ada, disini masih ada. Jadi, saya mulai menggelutinya.. :D

Pada dasarnya semua Compiler C itu sama, yang bedanya adalah librari yang disediakan. Sebut saja library delay_ms pada Codevision, di Keil itu berbeda penulisannya, tapi fungsinya sama apabila nanti digunakan.

untuk awal - awal , mari kita berkenalan dengan KEIL COMPILER ( bagi master master Keil yang sudah Expert ,, mohon koreksi apabila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan dan penjelasan.. )
menurut web resminya keil
The Keil products from ARM include C/C++ compilers, debuggers, integrated environments, RTOS, simulation models, and evaluation boards for ARM, Cortex-M, Cortex-R, 8051, C166, and 251 processor families.
Saya coba terjemahkan.... :D
Keil dari ARM dapat digunakan sebagai C/C++ compilers, Debuggers, terintegrasi environment, RTOS, model simulasi, dan bisa digunakan sebagai papan ARM Evaluasi, Cortex-M, Cortex-R, 8051, C166, dan  Keluarga Procesor 250.

Kita dapat menggunakan Keil C51 secara gratis namun kode hasil kompilasi hanya akan dibatasi sampai 2KB saja. Mengapa simulator itu penting? Simulasi merupakan suatu hal yang cukup penting ketika kita hendak memverifikasi hasil kode program kita bagaimana berjalannya di mikrokontroler sebelum benar-benar kita tuliskan (download) ke dalam mikrokontroler. Simulasi juga akan sangat membantu ketika kita hendak mencoba hal-hal baru sebelum diterapkan di mikrokontrolernya.
Interface Keil Compiler
Untuk Teman - teman yang ingin mencoba, silakan download filenya disini :

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Mainan unik dari Barang Bekas elektronik

Selamat pagi,,,, bertemu lagi di pagi yang indah ini..
Hmm,, pernah ga terfikir untuk memanfaatkan barang bekas elektrronik kita yang sudah tak terpakai di rumah? atau barang elektronik yang dibuang di tempat sampah kita ambil dan kita "protolin" untuk dimanfaatkan dijadikan mainan unik?
ada Hamba Allah yang terinspirasi untuk membuat sebuah mainan unik berbahan elektronik bekas yang sudah tak terpakai, dia rangkai sedemikian rupa sehingga membentuk sebuah pola mainan atau bentuk hewan... yang tentunya aman dimainkan oleh siapa saja....
eitss,, tapi awas,, jangan sampai dimakan atau rubah konstruksinya,, bisa bisa beracun dan hancur tuh mainan.. hehehhe
langsung aja yuk kita liat benda unik ini

Unik kan?? tertarik untuk membuat yang seperti ini?? ayo kumpulkan barang barang bekas yang tak terpakai,, jangan buang sembarangan.... kumpulkan, tuangkan ide,, dan jadikan usaha ANDA!!... GO GREEN!
Sumber : inovatif